Welcome to Self-Love Portrait!

Welcome to the Self-Love Portrait!

This course is designed to give you an opportunity to raise yourself up, to become creatively self-empowered, and having the freedom to be your true self and express that. It's going to be such a fun and creative journey, from learning & planning to creating & loving. Plus, I’ve included guides, quizzes and worksheets throughout the course that will help you implement what you learn faster! 

I hope you are feeling as excited about diving into the Self-Love Portrait workshop as I am!

All the content is available for you right now :)

If you feel that you can use some guidance or any help as you get going, please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally in [email protected]

I've got you covered!

To your self-love!

— Idit Nissenbaum, creator of Self-Love Portrait

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